Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Greyn is Belgian according to the BIB in Kortrijk - check out exhibit until the 2nd of June!

Apparently Greyn has made it into the "Belgian" music scene accoridng to the library in Kortrijk where a photo of me singing with Greyn's bass player Tom Deman in the background is hanging among many other photos of other Belgian bands! It was pretty funny to be at the BIB this past Saturday looking for CDs to borrow from their vast CD collection and to see my mulle hanging on a poster between the lovely faces of the better-knows Soulwax and Stijn. There I was on top of Mauro! On top of Tim Van whatever from Millionare and on top of Tom Barman from Deus! I wouldn't mind being between the fucking De Waele brothers and Stijn and on top of Mauro and the other guys. Not a bad dream... Anyway, check it out: Dit Is Belgisch from now until the 2nd of June (my birthday by the way ;-) - at the BIB in Kortrijk. For another related photo with a close-up view check out the 16 of May entry on my Face The Day with Heidi and Sarah site!

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